"She should shave!" or "She should grow a full bush!" Those are common comments in my Twitter timeline. Regularly. Sometimes daily. It shows that we have quite a controverse topic here, which is funny. It shouldn't be! In Real Life both has its advantages. And none has disadvantages. Someone with a distinct oral fixation will know that there should be no preference from a connoisseur's point of view. Since Nude Art is all about Erotic fantasies, which usually get inspired by each our own experiences, photos of hairy or shaven pussies will evoke different, but pleasant associations in both regards. Still there are many people who love the one but not the other. Let's have a closer look.

Explicit Nude Art has one very important feature against other forms of Erotic Art and I think we all made a deliberate decision towards it! Explicit Nude Art is intimate. Spread legs, pussy spreading and ass shots are common features, not completely undisputed, but essential. And here we have the only argument which is talking pro shaven pussy shots! It's not aesthetical, and even more it's not about hygiene, absolutely not. It's a completely pragmatic affair. You can easier see more of a pussy or an anus, when it's shaven. And unshaven pussies look less explicit. Yes, that's true. No doubt about it. A full bush might almost be Instagram-suitable.

But even the fullest grown bush allows glimpses. Glimpses are precious and in other areas we love them. Erected nips in shirts, sideboobs, underboobs, the famous cameltoes in pantys, see-through fabrics, which only seemingly cover beautiful bodies. We have that with photos of unshaven pussies, too. Pussylips are shining through, mysterious, tempting. The next photo already can bring you more details. Or the next next one. Here we arrive at one of my favorite topics. The inimitable charm of a full photo set. The creatives know what we want and Nude Art is about giving us what we want! We WILL have a look at the most intimate areas of our beloved models. Somewhere along the 100 or more (or less) photos of a set we will get a proper view of what many of us call heaven.

The intimacy of an unshaven pussy WILL be revealed, the one way or the other, in its full delightfull blossom. Photo sets and movies are playful with our expectations. Pantys fall down sooner or later and later is often more alluring. Maybe a full bush doubles the pleasure of being in joyful expectation. Collectors of single photos will NEVER know that essential pleasure of a Nude Art production. And I pity them, but I have no compassion for them, because they completely missed the understanding of Nude Art.
When photo sets are always journeys full of surprises, focusing on some features this time, focusing on others the next time, there is no reason to be single-tracked. The real deal is to accept the gifts we get in any of them. And to be very thankful for the huge quantity available in Nude Art! When a hairy set evokes my memories of yummy spicy scents and the pleasure and taste of wet pubic hair, a shaven set is a source of having the taste of a clear and steady flow of juices on my tongue. When I don't feel for the one today, I am free to choose the other from my collection. And vice versa.