'18-23' is an own category of Erotic Art. Like 'Lingerie' or 'Fetish' is. Two things come together here. At first 18-23 is the age, when many young women finish their school or start to study. Life is hot, but money is short. Nude modeling is an attractive possibility to earn their living and - in best of cases - to see some of the most fascinating areas of the world on shooting travels. Most of the women leave that life behind, when their studies are finished with... approximately 23. It's a natural development. In that regard the majority of Nude Art models being of that age is an almost unavoidable development.

For consumers of Adult Entertainment that age is attractive on another level! They remember how exciting their own life was at that age. Many things - sensual things - happened for the first time here and everything is new and... filled with a never before experienced thrill. The innocence of a body is one thing, but the innocence of the minds turning into the knowledge about lust, physical attraction and passion, learning to know one's own desires, learning to give pleasure to another, unknown body... these feelings will be forever connected to that age. When before everything was just trying out things, the first 'real' kiss or even first careful touches, the awareness of being adult leads to more intensity, more intimacy, to the importance of scents and... tastes. The excitement of sexuality, the unexperienced longing and the sense of achievement when someone discovers her or his own sensuality as one of the most arousing activities, the ultimate meaning of this adventure will not leave us for the rest of our lives and it will be forever connected to the age of being a young adult. An Erotic Art photo set with a young woman of that age will lead us back into the most initially stimulating time of our lives.

The interest in other departments of eroticism, like the before mentioned 'Fetish' or 'Lingerie' category, will come as a continuation from the experiences of that particular time in life. But the philosophy of sensuality, the fascination of seeing a young woman of 18-23 in an explicit, adult Erotic Art production is forever connected to the process of comprehending of what life can be about. An almost subconscious connection with discovering the reason to live, the excitement to feel something, with the original pleasure of sexuality.
When things turn out right, the journey back in time can begin all new, when Assia makes her debut in the most beautiful and most innocent world of Nude Art photography.
